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State Police Investigate Whether Unconscious Woman Was Victim of Crime

If you saw a great deal of police activity around Green and Amory streets on Monday about 7 p.m., here’s what we know so far.

According to State Police, a 21-year-old woman from a suburb south of Boston was found unconscious by the bike path near Green Street Station. She was only partially clothed, according to David Procopio, spokesperson for the State Police.

The woman was taken to Brigham & Women’s Hospital. She went in and out of consciousness, but State Police detectives say she had no “obvious external trauma” and couldn’t remember what happened before she was found. She said things that made police say suggest she took a “controlled narcotic” before she was found.

State Police, who share patrol duties with Boston Police along the Southwest Corridor Park, said they are continuing to investigate if the woman was the victim of a crime.