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Turn Your Clocks Back Tonight for Daylight Saving Time

The good news is if you’re a morning person you’ll have more light in the morning, but the bad news is that it will get darker earlier. Tonight is daylight savings time, so remember to turn your clocks back one hour at 2 am on Sunday, November 1st, making it 1 am. Of course your smartphones and computers will most likely do it for you.

So sunrise and sunset will be about one hour earlier on Nov 1st.

Daylight Savings Time was enacted by Congress during World War I and then again during WWII, with the belief it would save on energy costs. But that may not be true. A 2008 U.S. Department of Energy study stated that Daylight Saving Time merely reduces annual energy use by about .03% — that ain’t much! A study from the University of California-Santa Barbara from 2008 actually found it might even increase energy consumption. Click here for more myths and truths about Daylight Saving Time.