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Voehl: Why Jamaica Plain Should Vote for Me for Congress

Last updated on August 15, 2018

Christopher Voehl is a Democratic Party candidate for the 8th Congressional District in Massachusetts. He provided the following column about why Jamaica Plain residents should vote for him.

Recently, the voters in JP and the surrounding areas held a candidate forum. It was your chance to ask the candidates serious questions through WGBH. I showed up for you, but both Rep. Stephen Lynch and Brianna Wu stayed at home. The people I met are concerned about their financial security, their personal security, and the security of this nation. So am I.

My story is about service. I was a U.S. F-15E fighter pilot and drone commander with six deployments including combat time in Iraq. After the military, I started my current job as an jumbo jet pilot. With your vote, I can continue to serve you in Congress.

My message is: Peace, Prosperity, Clean Air, and Health Care. I believe your money should stay in your wallet.

More than almost any other area, JP depends upon the health care industry for jobs. Single moms, single dads, seniors, and families depend upon their paycheck, Medicare and Social Security. I am here to protect them for you.

Both Lynch and Wu plan to heavily tax your pay and change your health care to an unproven system called Medicare4All. The program they want does not even exist. President Trump would need to sign it. Rep. Lynch already voted no on the pre-existing condition coverages made legal by ObamaCare. He had his chance to protect your family. I am the only person who will vote no on Medicare4All because we lose every guarantee including the pre-existing condition protections you love. The only guarantee with single payer is a massive new tax on working families.

Affordable care needs to solve costs and quality of care.