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Enjoy Derby Day with Ridiculous Hats, Drinks at Loring-Greenough House

Enjoy Kentucky Derby Day at the Loring-Greenough House by participating in a hat parade, sipping on a custom Jamaica Plain cocktail and supporting JP Centre/South Main Streets this Sunday. And, of course, watch the big race.

It will be a stylish soirée with all proceeds going to JP Centre/South Main Streets (JPCSMS) programs and events. Dressing up in seersucker suits, donning bowties and ridiculous over-the-top derby hats is strongly encouraged.

The drink of the day will be the JP Julep featuring bourbon supplied by Roxbury’s Bully Boy Distillers.

Before the derby starts at 6:46 pm there will be a bunch of fun events, including parade of hats, a hat contest, a silent auction, a photo booth, lawn games and JPCSMS’ own version of betting on the races in the tented garden party.

This event is from 5 to 8 pm. Click here for more info and to purchase tickets