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JP Votes 80 Percent For Coakley, 15 Percent for Baker

A look at the precinct-by-precinct results shows Jamaica Plain went heavier for Democratic gubernatorial candidate Martha Coakley than the rest of the city did.

While Boston as a whole went 66 percent to 30 percent for Coakley over Governor-elect Charlie Baker, JP voters chose Coakley by an 80-15 margin.

Independent Evan Falchuk made a slightly stronger showing in JP than in Boston: 3.5 percent in the neighborhood and 2.8 percent city-wide.

But while JP was overwhelmingly for Coakley, there were differences among precincts. Residents of Moss Hill, with its suburban feel, also voted more like suburbanites. Ward 19, Precinct 2 gave Republican Baker his best showing in JP with 35 percent of that precinct’s vote.

Coakley ran up her biggest margin, percentage-wise, in Parkside’s Ward 11 Precinct 5, garnering a whopping 89 percent of that precinct’s votes.

If you’d like to dive down into the ward and precinct numbers yourself, we’ve crunched them into a Google doc that’s more readable than the raw data at the city’s web site.