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Posts published in “Funny”

Watch: Funny Video of Mayor Walsh Making Fun of Boston Roadways, Taking Shots at Little Rock and Seattle

For the first-time ever Boston is hosting the Geek Bowl, a huge trivia contest of more than 100 competing pub teams and a Jeannie Johnston Pub crew is competing this year. At last year’s Geek Bowl, Boston Mayor Walsh announced through a hilarious video that Geek Bowl XII would be held in our hometown.

Did ‘The Simpsons’ Give A Shout-Out to City Councilor Matt O’Malley? Yes!

Bostonians wondered this week what Sunday’s “The Simpsons” episode would highlight when America’s famous cartoon family visited our beloved city. There were a plethora of Boston references, and one distinct reference to free public sunscreen dispensers — the brainchild of Jamaica Plain’s city councilor Matt O’Malley.