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Posts tagged as “Centre/South”

Soul Journey: Roots: Darkness and Light

10-month intensive that supports being with our deeply rooted patterns and trauma in a space of love. This program offers practices, ceremonies and support to risk living a heart-centered, soul-centric, and healing life. Your soul journey presents ways to remember who you truly are; in this process of  expressing yourself fully, change and healing can arise – in you, in your family, and in the world.

Boston Day of Reparations to African People

The Days of Reparations to African People is an annual, international speaking tour to raise white reparations to African (black) people and discuss how we as white people can be in genuine solidarity with African liberation. It is a campaign by the African Peoples Solidarity Committee and its mass organization, the Uhuru Solidarity Movement, both founded and led by the African People’s Socialist Party. WHERE: First Church in Jamaica Plain, Unitarian Universalist (6 Eliot St,…

New Cigarette ‘Buttlers’ Help Centre Street Look Its Best

One of the new Sidewalk Buttlers on Centre Street

In November, Jamaica Plain News reported that smart receptacles for cigarette butts would soon be coming to Centre Street. These Sidewalk Buttlers are now up. Each box bears the name of a local business that helped sponsor the project. The boxes are inconspicuous, so you might not have noticed them yet.