Wake Up The Earth 2015 map

Here’s Your Map for Wake Up the Earth 2015

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The 37th Annual Wake Up The Earth Festival runs noon to 6 p.m. on Saturday, May 2. Here is a map of the live music, vendors and other events you'll experience. If you'd like to be in one of the two parades leading to the festival, meet at 11 a.m. Saturday at either the Egleston YMCA or Curtis Hall Community Center. If you find this map too small to read, please use the magnifying glass symbol to make it larger. You may also simply download it for print-out.


The Most Serious Crimes Dropped 11 Percent in JP for 2014

This map, created by Welcome to Dot, shows Part I crimes (i.e. the most serious ones) graphed within a quarter-mile radius. Credit: Welcome to Dot

Statistically, the most serious crimes are down 11 percent in JP for 2014. That's according to Boston Police Sgt. Beth Leary, who passed along that information at Monday night's Jamaica Pond Association meeting. Leary, who closely tracks crime in the E-13 police district, said it was a "really good year" and that JP's result was "one of the best in the city."

Map of "class share" of the creative, service and working classes in Boston.

Mapping Jamaica Plain’s ‘Creative Class’

A new study confirms what you already know: Jamaica Plain is full of creative types. Demographer Richard Florida argues this "creative class" represents a new kind of class divide. Florida, director of the Martin Prosperity Institute and one of the study’s authors, says that class is an inescapable presence in America. And he makes a point that class is embedded in our geography; there’s a clear relationship. “The Divided City: And the Shape of the New Metropolis” intends to help people better understand the relationship between class and geography since it’s an inevitable factor in our way of life, according to the study.

Top countries of origin for foreign-born Bostonians

Meet Your New Favorite Map of Jamaica Plain

Who says nothing good ever came from the Boston Redevelopment Authority? Behold your new favorite map of Jamaica Plain and Boston. This map shows the top countries of origin for foreign-born Bostonians. As you'd expect, the Dominican Republic is far and away number one for Jamaica Plain. My Dominican acquaintances tell me JP has always felt like home.